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Jada Management Systems
19775 Derby Street
West Linn, Oregon 97068
+1 (503) 744-0699
JMS Support
Clients have 24x7 direct phone and email access to the JMS employees who performed the implementation and training of SCP (in addition to our standard support staff). JMS does NOT outsource its support. In addition to the 24x7 availability of our support staff, the SCP product includes many behind-the-scenes features that help avoid the need for support and shield users from the technical aspects of the product. Communication problems with external systems can be automatically emailed to the appropriate people so that any issues are identified and resolved quickly. And of course if you need us, we are always at the ready with the latest remote support technologies. SCP even has the ability to email or FTP entire datasets to our servers so we can follow along with our clients. Having experienced the frustrations of today's technical support world ourselves, great support is one of our highest priorities, and you will be hard-pressed to find a more knowledgeable and accessible staff.
Copyright 2017. Jada Management Systems LLC. All Rights Reserved.